Moving to another country is not a holiday, and such an undertaking should be taken as carefully as possible, having studied the issue from different points of view. Among other things, it is necessary to analyze negative opinions about moving to Spain to know what difficulties are likely to be encountered. Difficulties inevitably arise absolutely everyone who moved permanently to another country, regardless of the category of “resettler”, his financial and social status. First of all, this is a psychological moment – one has to regroup, adapt to the new reality, other cultures, mentality, language, traditions, and society. This moment will affect everyone who has decided to move to Spain to live forever.
With even full financial freedom, one way or another, at a certain moment, every person who left his or her native country, begins to feel a frustration – you want to hear your native language, leave home and come to your relatives for an hour for tea, to see, feel and touch the usual. These sensations arise in all emigrants. You have to be ready for them. This moment, of course, is not just about Spain, but about moving to any country in the world. What to do with such sensations? They just need to be experienced. As an option, if you have the opportunity – to go to your home country for a couple of days, see your loved ones and go back. But it is better to get used to the new country, and then to compare, having lived in it for a long time. The observation results will be more objective. It wasn’t just a decision to move, was it?

Spain is really very civilized. So much so that same-sex marriages and the adoption of homosexual couples of children have been allowed here since 2005. Spain is the third country in the world to legalize same-sex marriages and the adoption of children by same-sex couples. Homosexual couples are not hiding, you must be prepared for this if it is not accepted in your country. Shocking to a visitor may not necessarily be the Spanish. To be late for a meeting or not to come at all is fine. “Tomorrow” is the most common answer to the question of timing in any field. And this “tomorrow” can be postponed for several days. It’s also considered normal.
In Spain, it is customary to eat mostly in bars, cafes and restaurants, rather than at home. And, in addition, strictly at certain times. Entering the institution in between the established time of breakfast, lunch or dinner, you may encounter that there will be no ready meal, just snacks. Only in tourist places they try to adjust to foreigners. Dinner is accepted after 21:00, appoint a meeting with someone for dinner at 22:00 – normal. And also do not forget about the siesta – the afternoon “quiet hour”, when the streets may be completely empty and all institutions – closed. In large cities, the tradition of siesta is reduced to a 15-minute rest in the afternoon, and in the provinces the time of rest can reach 2 hours or more.

Only a positive impression of the Spanish climate. This may be the case, but it all depends heavily on the region selected. In southern parts of the country the temperature in summer can reach +50°С. And it can be perceived very hard. In winter it can be cool in living quarters that have no central heating, and if you use an air conditioner for heating your home, you can later be unpleasant surprised by the electricity bills, which are quite expensive in Spain.
But if all this does not frighten you, you can just choose a property in a cozy region, where there will be a pleasant climate and good atmosphere. For example, you can pay attention to real estate in Mallorca, a paradise island in the Mediterranean Sea. At this link you will have this opportunity.